V3 API Resource forbidden

Team @IntegrationSupport,

getting “User is NOT authorized to access the Resource. API Subscription validation failed.” when accessing V3 APIs

“code”: “900908”,
“message”: "Resource forbidden ",
“description”: “User is NOT authorized to access the Resource. API Subscription validation failed.”

Client Id: SBX_002450

@IntegrationSupport . I am also facing the same issue. how i need to solve this issue

@mathewjiji8 Are you able to solve this? If yes please let me know.

@Vinay Please share SBX client ID to provide v3 access.

@IntegrationSupport client id : SBX_003631

Thank you

@Vinay We have initiated for the access.

@IntegrationSupport now in am getting this what will be the issue.?

“code”: “900901”,
“message”: “Invalid Credentials”,
“description”: “Access failure for API: /abha/api/v3, version: v3 status: (900901) - Invalid Credentials. Make sure you have provided the correct security credentials”

API details


" txnId": “322f36ec-0e22-4846-a16a-c18d9c36d018”,
“scope”: [

"loginHint": " mobile ",
"loginId": "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",
"otpSystem": "abdm",
"timestamp": "2023-11-07 03:40:44'"


and Header

Hi Vinay,
URL: https://abhasbx.abdm.gov.in/abha/api/v3/enrollment/request/otp



@Vinay Please hold, we have initiated the access however, you will be able to test by tomorrow only.

@Vinay kindly check the access has been provided.


Thank you @ayadav33 and @IntegrationSupport for your support and I got access now .

Hi @ayadav33 and @IntegrationSupport What format i need to give TIMESTAMP in the header. for example now the time is 11:51 AM and the date is 11/9/2023 how i need to give?
now i am getting
“code”: “ABDM-1016”,
“message”: “Invalid Timestamp”

i have given like this

HI @Vinay,
use this 2023-11-09T11:39:07.027 (Remove the delta )
And you should be good to go .


Hi @satyadeep @IntegrationSupport I have shared Postman screenshot after changing also i am getting the same as before says invalid time stamp

Can you please check and let me know?

HI @Vinay,

Use this , I tested just now 2023-11-09T11:39:07.027Z

Thank you

please provide access for V3 to clientId=SBX_002539

@IntegrationSupport Please provide access to SBX_004176 as well Thanks in Advance

@Wasi_rehman What access do you want . Please state your request clearly and also what you are developing.

@IntegrationSupport We are updating our api to v3 version. for M1. We want v3 access for api’s of creation of abha and verification of abha

@IntegrationSupport Can you please provide access to v3 APIs to client id is SBX_003210. We are getting “Resource forbidden” and “User is NOT authorized to access the Resource. API Subscription validation failed.” when calling the /v3/enrollment/request/otp API.