Unique ABHA Number per person

Hi @IntegrationSupport,

We believe that ABHA Number is a unique identifier for a person’s health record. There are 2 flows to create ABHA number:

  1. Aadhaar OTP
  2. Mobile OTP

Aadhaar OTP will make sure that there is only one ABHA record for a person. But that is not the case for mobile OTP. We tried v2 APIs to create health id using mobile OTP, and for the mobile number we used, there was a new ABHA number created even though the person holding the mobile phone already has a ABHA number with his Aadhaar number.

Can you please explain if this is a valid scenario and if so then is there any actions taken from the platform side to avoid such kind of duplicate ABHA number creation?

CC: @Jivanhealthcenter

Arpit Jain