Unable To Update The Mobile Number

Dear ABDM team,

After updating the mobile number by using the following API sequence, still the mobile number is not updated. But when I try to follow this sequence again, I’m getting this error.

Error Message:
“code”: “HIS-422”,
“message”: “Unable to process the current request due to incorrect data entered.”,
“details”: [
“message”: “The provided mobile number same as the existing mobile number of the ABHA Number: dheerajadhaar@sbx. Please use another mobile number.”,
“code”: “HIS-1046”,
“attribute”: {
“key”: “healthIdNumber”,
“value”: “dheerajadhaar@sbx”

API Sequence:

  1. v2/account/change/mobile/new/generateOTP
  2. v2/account/change/mobile/new/verifyOTP
  3. v2/account/change/mobile/aadhaar/generateOTP
  4. /v2/account/change/mobile/update/authentication (I got this HTTP response 204 No Content

@IntegrationSupport team, please look into this.