Unable to fetch Prescription and OP Consultation record created on EMR

  • I have created a prescription and an OP Consultation record using the https://emrsbx.ndhm.gov.in/ application.
  • I am unable to pull these records and see them on PHR application. Previously we were able to pull diagnostic records.

Using the HIP Id 81-5576-8431-3437 HIP Name : Sri Arunachalam Hospital
Patient details ABHA id : supriya.svs@sbx ABHA number : 15-3381-5507-0234

Requesting support over this

@Prajwal Kindly look into it.

I also facing the same issue. EMRs are neither able to link the careContext, nor responding to discovery and data transfer requests. Kindly resolve this as soon as possible @akshay.pal @Prajwal