Hi @IntegrationSupport team,
We are building the PHR Application and we need support regarding API for ABHA address recovery.
As ABHA address recovery API is not listed here. So, we were asked to use APIs /v1/forgot/healthId/mobile/generateOtp & /v1/forgot/healthId/mobile for ABHA address recovery which are listed on ABHA Number Swaggerhub here. But, these APIs are returning the wrong ABHA address please have a look to attached screenshots for more info:
Mobile: 9347411526 & linked ABHA address with that mobile are:
/v1/forgot/healthId/mobile API is returning the ABHA address which is not linked/created with above mobile-
It should return any of the ABHA addresses out of [“testing.9347@sbx”, “testing13@sbx”, “testing11@sbx”, “testing14@sbx”, “abhishek.testing@sbx”,“testinggggggg14.surname@sbx”]
Now the questions are:
- Are these(/v1/forgot/healthId/mobile/generateOtp & /v1/forgot/healthId/mobile) right set of APIs to be used for ABHA address recovery?
- If yes, How these are working i.e. are these APIs ignoring the mobile number which is getting used and just matching on the basis of demographics and returning the first healthId?
- If these are not correct APIs to be used for ABHA address recovery, then please provide the right set of APIs?
Note: We are trying to cover the use case if a user does not have ABHA Number, he just has ABHA address and trying to use the PHR Application(as NDHM’s official sandbox PHR application can be used with just ABHA address even without ABHA Number).