Sandbox Access Rejected

Sandbox access has been denied, it said incomplete details.
But doesn’t mention any other details.

It would be helpful if more information was provided since there aren’t any specific guidelines as such.

I have submitted the application again in individual capacity.

Please approve or provide further guidance if necessary.

Tagging @Integrationsupport

@g8xsu Please provide entity name and the email address by which you have registered.

Would like to avoid posting my unmasked email id over public forum which is google-indexed.

My full name is “Gursharan Singh”, let me know if that suffices.

Also, I have applied again with minor modifications if that helps. (In individual capacity)

@g8xsu Please email details at

Sent an email just now

Ok, the application was rejected again.

I have applied again after updating description to match individual status.(for some reason my updates don’t get reflected in my profile)


On re-applying, changes to application aren’t being reflected in user profile due to some bug.

It has been rejected again.
Only comment that is there is "Admin Comment:- Incomplete Entry "

This is not at all sufficient to take further action.