Sample test health id with dummy data

As a health id can grant access to my HIU for testing purposes, can you help with a dummy health id on which we can send consent requests?

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Hi @apul,

There is such no dummy Health-Id.
But, You can create your own patient for testing purposes.

Thank You.

Yes, but there need to require some health record at the HIP’s end so i can add or link records with it and give access to our own HIU account. How can I tackle that?

Thank you

Hi Apul . I am from emr dev team . You can create your own ID . Go to facilitysbx portal and claim your facility . Once facility is approved you can login to emr. Also you need to register bridge in facility portal post this. Then you can transfer data and records through the registered bridge . For any clarification please get in touch with the team coordinating the emr flow on that side.
Links (In SBX environment): for EMR portal for Facility Management


@varunmishra How to register a dummy health facility once it got rejected. We want to push health records to a health id and then fetch records to test our setup. How to achieve that ?

When you say ‘claim your facility’ does that mean that we can create a dummy facility (a facility that does not exists in reality) as well or can we only claim a facility that actually exists?
Also, how do we create a facility that provides only tele-consultation?

@varunmishra any updates here ?

Hi Varun @varunmishra,

My request for mock facility registration on is still not processed. Please help.

Health Professional Id: navaneethpk@hpr.ndhm

Hi Naveen Please check your dummy facility is approved . You will be getting a mail with details on your registered mail id.

@Arpita thank you Arpita. Can you please tell me what is HRP bridge ID ? is it our client Id or the HIP Id ?

Did you get this issue fixed? How did you do it? Can you guide plese?