Sample HIP id for testing

Sandbox registration is completed. And received client id and client secret and able to create access token through postman. Can we get a sample HIP ID for testing before integrating with our software?

You suppose to create the HIP services by calling this API

Thank you sir.
But am having a little bit confusion with this HRP and HIP. The purpose of the given API is
Update the HIPs / HIUs that will be support by this HRP. So here one of the real HIP that uses our software has to register with ABDM right? And they will get an HIP ID.
But for testing with postman do we get any dummy data for checking with our client id, secret key and access token?
Could you please provide me some clarification on this matter?

You can do with sandbox environment . No need to use real data.

Thank you sir, Now access token , end point url and hip successfully generated.
And we need to implement M1 in our software ;So first of all if a patient comes with abha number how can we retrieve the details of that patient. Can you please provide the api details for that.i go through this
But not getting the details .Is there any other steps we need to do. Without implementing the steps to create ABHA number can we retrieve the basic details of the patient with given abha number?

Hi @kiran02 i am not able to register new HIU using this url getting error
“error”: {
“code”: 2500,
“message”: “Unknown error occurred”
} and status 404 not found . can you please help me in this.