Resource forbidden for generate token v3 API

Hi @IntegrationSupport, Hope you are doing well,
We got “User is NOT authorized to access the Resource. API Subscription validation failed” ,.error while calling following API even though having access for v3 APIs,
Client ID: SBX_003536

curl --location ‘
–header ‘REQUEST-ID: 2ffd88b9-8759-43cf-b141-062fecbbe452’
–header ‘X-HIP-ID: OG-ICAFAA’
–header ‘TIMESTAMP: 2023-12-18T12:57:47.001Z’
–header ‘X-CM-ID: sbx’
–header ‘Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSld’
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’
–data-raw ‘{“abhaNumber”:“91517662830762”,“abhaAddress”:“karthikeyan@sbx”,“name”:“Karthikeyan”,“gender”:“M”,“yearOfBirth”:2000}’

Got Error ,

"code": "900908",

"message": "Resource forbidden ",

"description": "User is NOT authorized to access the Resource. API Subscription validation failed."


@oneglance We recommend you to use V2 api for M2 and M3 as V3 api is still stabilizing and you might face issues and delays while integration.However, we will raise to our backend team for V3 api access for M2 & M3 also.