Required information for consent request initialisation

HIP id and careContexts are the required field to initialise consent request.
How HIU will know the HIP ID and careContexts for the patient?

“hip”: {
“id”: “string”
“careContexts”: [
“patientReference”: “batman@tmh”,
“careContextReference”: “Episode1”


Hey @sanjitvimal,

For HIP Id we pass ID of that particular HIP (Bridge Id),
Please find Snapshot below ,

and for Care Context we pass,


Thanks for the response…
My concerns are

  1. is there any way to get the of all the registered HIPs, because i do not have for others. How to provide it?
  2. “careContexts”: [ {“patientReference”: “batman@tmh”,
    “careContextReference”: “Episode1”}],
    is it random text given by HIU?