Registration with Aadhaar using registered biometrics

Hi Team,
We are implementing registration with aadhaar using registered biometrics. So, we were checking the swager hub and found the api /v1/registration/aadhar/verifyBio
and parameters need to pass aadhaar, bioType, pid
Can you tell me about pid?
How to get it?
Is that bioType will be always “FMR” and what does that mean?
Also can you share the flow of verifyBio api?

Thanks @IntegrationSupport

Hi @IntegrationSupport team,
Any update on this?

Hello, please refer to webinars 7& 9 for APIS and other information for registration using biometrics.
@gurpreetsachdeva - fyi



I have gone through your APIS and webinars. Now I am passing pid that getting from RD device but getting error.

Can you please help me on this

The pid entered here is wrong

@system_solutions we were having the same problem. Turns out all the pids we were using were incorrect. Here is how we solved it (for mantra mfs100). Instead of getting the pid from webpage, use the rd service apis provided by mantra ( (the RDServiceMFS100) check the documentation of windows rdservice api provided in it. Then inside the body of CAPTURE, send the following data exactly.

. The response body (whole xml) needs to encoded to base64 ( (for testing). The result is the pid that worked for us.
Hope it helps.

Hi @ArunBisht , @IntegrationSupport ,
Thanks for giving me the right direction.
I am trying with RDServiceMFS100 but still getting error

then convert it to bse64 encoded string

Can you confirm once fcount=1 means which finger of which hand?
Any suggestion what could be the issue?

Hi @system_solutions. The API works with any finger be it a thumb, index or any other as long as its fingerprint is registered. fCount simply means the no. of fingerprints you are scanning (1 or multiple fingers).

We used the rdservice CAPTURE api in the postman directly and never got a HIS-2013 error, though I think it might be due to outdated biometric data linked with aadhaar as its recommended to update ones fingerprints in aadhaar after reaching 15 years of age(Not all but some fingerprints change with age).

Also we found that the API sometimes return incorrect data error when the fingerprint is not clear or the finger is not still while scanning. So check 2-3 times with someone who have their biometric data updated just to be sure.