Pull record API for PHR App

Hey, @IntegrationSupport

After linking the existing care context user can pull records. I need an API sequence to PULL RECORDS for users for PHR App. I am not able to find it in the documentation. can you please share asap?
Also, I need the API sequence for HIP and HIU also when a user is pulling records.

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Hey @MustafizKaifee,

Please visit here for complete description over this.


That I understand but I need API for the PHP app. Which API to hit when I click on the pull record after discovering and linking the care context? That I need. API sequence for that.


Please look into this,

Third Stage

Finally, the CM receives notifications from both the HIP and the HIU. The HIP’s health repository notifies the CM that the requested information was transmitted to the HIU. The HIU’s health repository sends a notification that the requested information was successfully received, or that the request failed.

All above 3 stages that pertains to HIU are shown in the following diagram:


@MustafizKaifee would like you to visit the webinar where all steps have been explained with depth here.


Thank @Shubhanshu_S

These HIU and HIP are clear to me, the only doubt I have is regarding the PHR app.
So in the PHP app when we click on the pull records button first consent request will raise then the user approves that consent, then these HIU and HIP flows will go or I will work also without a consent request?
Am I getting right?

Please use following API for Pull records. Data request and transfer API’s:

  1. {{HIP_HOST}}/v0.5/health-information/hip/request (Callback for this API : {GATEWAY_HOST}/v0.5/health-information/hip/on-request)
  2. {Data Push URL} received on above call /v0.5/health-information/hip/request
  3. {GATEWAY_HOST}/v0.5/health-information/notify
  4. {Data_push_url}/v0.5/health-information/transfer
  5. {GATEWAY_HOST}/v0.5/health-information/notify (Callback for this API : {HIU_HOST}/}/v0.5/health-information/on-notify

@IntegrationSupport I am not able to understand. Can you please elaborate on or share documentation for this?
I am building a PHR app. I need to know which endpoint I have to hit on the PULL RECORD button from the PHR app.

The above API sequence you shared is from HIU and HIP.
I am checking using ABHA Sandbox APP and our HIP. I am login with my health address which does not have an auto approval policy. When I click on the Pull record button next to the linked care context. I as HIP got request v0.5/consents/hip/notify with granted consentId which usually gets when the user approves the consent (PS., in this case, I did not approve any consent. Request come directly). From this, I know the complete flow.

Now my only question is that endpoint I have to hit on the PULL RECORD button in PHR APP.

Please help we are stuck here in PHR DEMO.

Did you find the solution if yes give me the flow


Any update on this?

Hi, no update but what I understand is that you have to create a consent request after linking the facility then use have to approve and then HIP will share the records.
This is very similar to how HIU raised the consent and pull requests.

Hi @MustafizKaifee, have you find api for getting all the linked facilities in the PHR app, and also getting the linked care contexts to the linked facility ???

we aer currently blocked on this.