@IntegrationSupport I am not able to understand. Can you please elaborate on or share documentation for this?
I am building a PHR app. I need to know which endpoint I have to hit on the PULL RECORD button from the PHR app.
The above API sequence you shared is from HIU and HIP.
I am checking using ABHA Sandbox APP and our HIP. I am login with my health address which does not have an auto approval policy. When I click on the Pull record button next to the linked care context. I as HIP got request v0.5/consents/hip/notify with granted consentId which usually gets when the user approves the consent (PS., in this case, I did not approve any consent. Request come directly). From this, I know the complete flow.
Now my only question is that endpoint I have to hit on the PULL RECORD button in PHR APP.
Please help we are stuck here in PHR DEMO.