Profile share API

Hello @IntegrationSupport,

I am trying to execute profile share API, but I’m not getting correct results in any of the methods I have tried. Please share the request body, headers and the complete endpoint of both host and callback urls (please mention the version which is working / currently in use.
Requesting you to share this as this is creating a blocker in the development process.
Thanks in advance.

Hii @IntegrationSupport when i tried hitting the on-share profile with the following details as mentioned in imageits giving me access denied with status code 403 forbidden

please help us out for smooth integration

@pritamsingh07100 On-share is the response you will get. You have to use profile share API.

curl --location ‘’ \

–header ‘X-Auth-Token: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiJ9.eyJwaW5jb2RlIjoiMzAxNDAxIiwic3ViIjoic2FjaGluc2FpQHNieCIsImNsaWVudElkIjoiU0JYX1RFU1RfU0MiLCJyZXF1ZXN0ZXJJZCI6IlBIUi1XRUIiLCJnZW5kZXIiOiJNIiwiZGlzdHJpY3ROYW1lIjoiQUxXQVIiLCJtb2JpbGUiOiI3NTU5NDM0MzkzIiwiZsbE5hbWUiOiJTYWNoaW4gWWFkYXYiLCJhZGRyZXNzTGluZSI6IkMvTyBWZWVyc2luZ2ggWWFkYXYgdmlsbGFnZSBnYWRsaSBraSBkaGFuaSB0ZXNoaWwgbXVuZGF3YXIgR2FkbGkiLCJoZWFsdGhJZE51bWJlciI6IjkxLTQ3MjctNjAzMi0yMTE2IiwibW9udGhPZkJpcnRoIjoiNyIsInN5c3RlbSI6IkFCSEEtQSIsInN0YXRlTmFtZSI6IlJBSkFTVEhBTiIsImRheU9mQmlydGgiOiIxOCIsInBock1vYmlsZSI6Ijc1NTk0MzQzOTMiLCJleHAiOjE2OTMzNzc3NzYsImlhdCI6MTY5Mjc3Mjk3NiwicGhyQWRkcmVzcyI6InNhY2hpbnNhaUBzYngiLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFyaWJjaGF1ZGhhcnlAZ21haWwuY29tIiwidHhuSWQiOiJlOTZhZGI5OC1hMTdjLTRmZDQtYTM0YS02NmFkN2FlMjE0ZGQiLCJ5ZWFyT2ZCaXJ0aCI6IjE5OTgifQ.VqbXpUtuSbs1sFLsh9GaG6Cp44H2O2eBH7cAPh7XOxEkrZwg8q-n2HCG6bqUqNrT9_5DTEaDrvFiYtwx2rdJOcdhhrMZeXqJqLGuywmHJ6UArCo685do69ydQeHvIojCnRHCnzSA7RPUT8vUr5gjGb2NB94DFtkeeqPknOz-QryE3r0qGCQYI7Jy9rOnrjLHF5Po-VnZtQatYiaQm1Xwa43m4UgRU-czc2V4-KfUZ6mM9b1NFayKDbT3pcO2OvRl6weA2_V8VDoxyUj1eBa-Z-n0LdPJ2Nsxg1bmneEd00bPTWVJD0FR-X08j2ZGML4pC71OHHk8n8FDu6PtQvXYVQ’ \

–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \

–header ‘Cookie: TS01960242=01445fed042047fb727925bb163e4c70eb20df7145e9d33ea47b6ae824c5f921b77f9fe3c2f0f319ba817c46ea5bd77f715b9d6f63’ \

–data '{

"requestId": "c7c44fe7-066f-47dd-b5c5-2626ec84d31d",

"intent": {

    "type": "REGISTRATION"


"location": {

    "latitude": "28.644800",

    "longitude": "77.216721"


"hipDetails": {

    "hipId": "S_TEST_FACILITY",

    "code": "D74441293084576862S744412"


"source": "ANDROID"

Thanks for your response!

To expedite the resolution of my issue, I kindly request that you provide me with your contact details. A phone call would greatly assist in addressing the matter efficiently and quickly rather than going back and forth on chat.

My email id:

Thank you,


from were we get X-Auth-Token is this same the token we get from this url

@pritamsingh07100 No, This is auth token which you get from sessions API. X auth token is received after ABHA creation.


request body

we are getting this response after using the curl you have provided. we edited the date with our data and also as you told the x-auth-token is the one received after login into Abha account

Header we have provided

please look into this as this error creating blocker in our development

Kindly write a mail on, we will connect with you over a call to resolve this issue.
Kindly include this devforum link in the mail.