PHR APIs access

Hi @IntegrationSupport,

We were trying to access the following APIs but we are getting Unauthorised error

  • /api/v1/phr/registration/phr/suggestion
  • /api/v1/phr/search/isExist
  • /api/v1/phr/registration/hid/create-phr-address

Sample Error :
“timestamp”: “2024-01-02T18:45:53.326+0000”,
“status”: 401,
“error”: “Unauthorized”,
“message”: “Unauthorized”,
“path”: “/api/v1/phr/search/isExist”

Can someone please check if we have granted access for the above APIs or not?
Please provide us the access for the same if it is not granted already.

“clientId”: “SBX_002789”

Also if the documentation link of these APIs which contains the description of header and request parameters can be shared, it would be really helpful.

Thanks and Regards,
Rachit Khandelwal

@rachit4 We have requested for PHR role for your client ID to the technical team.

Hi @IntegrationSupport
Any update on this?

Rachit Khandelwal

Hi @IntegrationSupport Team
Is there any update on this ?

Rachit Khandelwal