PHR: API /consents/{consent-id} is not working

Hi @Shubhanshu_Shukla, @Dhawal

The API /consents/{consent-id} to get specific consent artifact of given consent id is not working.

I’ve passed 5c5da9ff-f1dc-4be0-8339-57d99ae61564 as consent id and valid X-AUTH-TOKEN, still the API gives Token Verification Failed error.

Please look into this issue.


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Hey @slamba,

Can you please confirm if this issue still exists.


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Hi @Shubhanshu_Shukla

Yes the issue is still exist.

I have created the consent request with consent request id: 9da08d83-5eea-4377-a389-0f505fde672f

After that I have approved that request and received the cosnent id 287a635f-88aa-4f97-a4cd-9bfdbc8e24b4

Now I’m trying to get consent artifact using api /consents/287a635f-88aa-4f97-a4cd-9bfdbc8e24b4 but it is giving below error

“error”: {
“code”: 1401,
“message”: “Token verification failed”

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Hey, I was also not able to execute this and was getting the same error while other APIs were working with that token.
Were you able to run this API?

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I am also facing the same issue? whats wrong? @IntegrationSupport