PHR/ ABHA app along with HIU crashed yesterday now joined by M2 API call backs

@IntegrationSupport After PHR/ ABHA app along with HIU crashed yesterday now M2 API call backs also has been found to be down and not working since today morning! So, any plan asap to restore these issues? Our all works have stopped in lack of ABDM system since yesterday, delaying the certification process step - how a start up would really able to work based on such a fragile eco-system?

Can you please respond asap to show some sense of urgency with right fixes?

@IntegrationSupport still exists as of today also - so, are you guys fixing this issue? When is the ETA?

we are also facing the same issue, not receiving the callbacks.
specially the callbacks involved in data fetch(HIU) and data transfer(HIP)

@abha_AID_integration There are some ongoing sandbox issue with data fetch and data transfer. Technical team is looking into it. Also, new apk. for phr app has been released and uploaded in our website. Please use that apk for testing.

@IntegrationSupport this is not helping as HIU is constantly faltering and shows nothing in the canvas! This is growingly impacting the development activities - In a nutshell, we as SI partners of ABDM would expect a better release and defect management methodology altogether. Why we are not following the IT SOPs and standards of at least putting an SLA driven approach to make the whole development eco-system more transperant, sustainable and efficient as in form of community…??? How a start up will survive in this chaotic system and process mismanagement?

@IntegrationSupport HIU is still messed! Not able to send any consent…would that not come back? What’s the plan? Why can’t you publish an ETA even after almost 15 working day of constant down time? Is NHA aware of this development???

@abhi72das NHA is aware of the ongoing issue. Since this is an infra issue, it is taking time. Tech team is already working on it.

@IntegrationSupport the up-gradation or Infra issues if they cause such a huge work disruptions at any downstream or upstream eco-system (specially for start ups like us) for so many days, that’s a huge blow and failure on NHA strategy part - so, please come up with a clean plan and expected turn around (ETA) time when it would restore the normalcy? After so many similar developments, upgrades in Payments and Finance areas, where’s teams’ learnings? Digital Health should follow the same trajectory as of payments and Finance…that’s the hope! but, seeing it’s totally lacking the teeth and ability so far from begining & still seeing today no call back from ABDM!

We are getting the Notification request and notifying hip but not getting the data push request.Below is the log for the same.


INFO:main.hip_views:{‘notification’: {‘consentDetail’: {‘consentId’: ‘2dfdc6a3-a40f-4006-b07f-dae9dcaae28d’, ‘createdAt’: ‘2023-11-09T06:34:00.358182749’, ‘purpose’: {‘text’: ‘Self Requested’, ‘code’: ‘PATRQT’, ‘refUri’: None}, ‘patient’: {‘id’: ‘barathkumar008@sbx’}, ‘consentManager’: {‘id’: ‘sbx’}, ‘hip’: {‘id’: ‘HLTHTEK_DEMO’, ‘name’: ‘HLTHTEK DEMO’}, ‘hiTypes’: [‘Prescription’, ‘DischargeSummary’, ‘OPConsultation’, ‘DiagnosticReport’, ‘ImmunizationRecord’, ‘WellnessRecord’, ‘HealthDocumentRecord’], ‘permission’: {‘accessMode’: ‘VIEW’, ‘dateRange’: {‘from’: ‘1923-11-09T00:00:00’, ‘to’: ‘2023-11-09T23:59:00’}, ‘dataEraseAt’: ‘2123-11-09T23:59:00’, ‘frequency’: {‘unit’: ‘HOUR’, ‘value’: 1, ‘repeats’: 0}}, ‘careContexts’: [{‘patientReference’: ‘PAT_74’, ‘careContextReference’: ‘REF-eUta98’}]}, ‘status’: ‘GRANTED’, ‘signature’: ‘Nrv6ncs7lKehRFvX6bX7YWQ0cZXQ7f3gTcK9lKw7n9ekkcoIgWi53/UK3u1ifVpA/gCuvMBWOZrNDMAp4pBcIvLwNC6uwUwjdKDdKZUdKWP9BcxKZQmX5DZ7M7SF3LkyeoqO/7YMokd0EzEu9WhPH8JIpN/xF9uRghkT6t2BekWN/oD5SO3YnJza9vMrnrz4lBep3wugk9CPR5jrh1/jrgRGTx+EAE4ReQncvfuzf579dG6yynOOqwRHq57zpZ+R5G4XUOBXdPrEf3+iplc1kthVamicMjzZxfDtA0J/aAaEQwtxsdgHBxshlXh2IDAsn03i9iWE4Osv6aYMJBPP3A==’, ‘consentId’: ‘2dfdc6a3-a40f-4006-b07f-dae9dcaae28d’, ‘grantAcknowledgement’: False}, ‘requestId’: ‘465ffabd-c8a7-46bd-affa-b5056048fbc2’, ‘timestamp’: ‘2023-11-09T06:34:00.393385572’}

INFO:django.channels.server:e[mHTTP POST /app/api/v0.5/consents/hip/notify 202 [0.74,]e[0m
INFO:main.hip_views:PRINTING ENDPOINT data_transfer_consent_hip_on_notify

INFO:main.hip_views:PRINTING POST BODY {‘requestId’: ‘6a05917c-2849-4ea2-915c-e02d124953cb’, ‘timestamp’: ‘2023-11-09T06:34:01.308168’, ‘acknowledgement’: {‘status’: ‘OK’, ‘consentId’: ‘2dfdc6a3-a40f-4006-b07f-dae9dcaae28d’}, ‘resp’: {‘requestId’: ‘465ffabd-c8a7-46bd-affa-b5056048fbc2’}}

INFO:main.hip_views:PRINTING req STATUS 202
INFO:main.hip_views:PRINTING req TEXT

@IntegrationSupportcan you please suggest who is answerable now to our queries when Infra issue is not yet resolved for more than 3 weeks?

@IntegrationSupport I see it no better now and it almost dead from all aspects in Sandbox environment:

  1. No Data Push API call back coming/ working
  2. PHR /ABHA app is non working (please see my email)
  3. HIU Portal is almost 100% broken


On HIU health info request, not receiving HIP health info request at ‘/v0.5/health-information/hip/request’

is ABDM SBX still alive or dead? No positive response has been seen for such a major issue after a long time.

we request you to please suggest…