Not recieving callback ('/v0.5/health-information/notify') on my HIP

Hi @IntegrationSupport
After calling API /v0.5/health-information/cm/request,
I have succesfully recieved the below response with transaction id on callback /v0.5/health-information/cm/on-request.

{‘requestId’: ‘a86e89c0-13f4-4803-b8f7-4da53cd2de58’, ‘timestamp’: ‘2023-03-02T11:59:06.479735459’, ‘hiRequest’: {‘transactionId’: ‘7b49a612-04af-48ae-923c-245fddbe2c50’, ‘sessionStatus’: ‘REQUESTED’}, ‘error’: None, ‘resp’: {‘requestId’: ‘5051e4f5-8e4f-4716-8e9f-7ae2dab7fa1e’}}

But I am not getting any callback on ‘/v0.5/health-information/notify’ on my server.
Please help me with this.
Thanks in advance.

Please help.
I’m not getting callback on v0.5/health-inforrmation/hip/request.

@prakharmohan, can you please share your client id ?

sure @SARCH1,
My client id is SBX_002110.

@prakharmohan: we are still awaiting details (doc with error screenshots etc) from you. Please share the requested details along with your email id so that we can arrange a call with tech teams.

Thanks @SARCH1
The above problem has been solved by reducing the delay in /v0.5/consents/hip/on-notify call.

However there are other issues also which we are still articulating, so that all can be solved in one call.
Will mail the same ASAP.

We are awaiting details. Please share if anything is pending.

We will mail with the details again.

Thank you!