Not receiving the newly created data on HIU side

We are using EMR as our HIP, we have implemented the flow to receive data at HIU end but unfortunately it looks like we are not receiving any newly created data from EMR. Receiving just the ones that were create 2 months ago.

  1. Our Client ID : SBX_001384
  2. HIP we are using : 81-5576-8431-3437 Sri Arnachulam Hospital

Could you please provide a solution for this? Thanks in advance

@saurabh.ghanwat kindly look into it.

Can you please tell me specific, which latest data you are not receiving and for that data, which API you are using?

We are not able to fetch any new data that we create on the EMR application logging into any HIP that has been provided in the documentation.
We have implemented the flow as given in the documentation, where we finally call for data using the API

It’s not only the API, we are not able to fetch the data on the PHR mobile application also.
This is the patient id I am trying to fetch data for: paritoshsingh1612@sbx Health ID Number : 17-1632-0345-0264