No able to revoke the consent request


HIU sent the consent request to patient. Patient accepted the consent request but it is displayed multiple time in the mobile app after accepting the request.

Now Patient is not able to revoke the consent request. Can you please check?

We have demo with NDHM team tomorrow and this will be a crucial test case. @mdubey

Following was the consent request:

{"requestId":"0d1c858b-6933-49e2-8104-3843dee1b576","timestamp":"2021-05-11T14:03:05.000000","consent":{"purpose":{"text":"Followp details","code":"CAREMGT"},"patient":{"id":"priyas@sbx"},"hiu":{"id":"medixcel-chintamani-hospital-hiu"},"requester":{"name":"User ChintamaniD"},"hiTypes":["Prescription","DiagnosticReport","OPConsultation","DischargeSummary","ImmunizationRecord"],"permission":{"accessMode":"VIEW","dateRange":{"from":"2021-03-31T18:30:00.000Z","to":"2021-05-11T18:29:59.000Z"},"dataEraseAt":"2021-05-21T15:02:59.000Z","frequency":{"unit":"HOUR","value":"1","repeats":6}}}}

Hi @bhaskar.dabhi,

After apprvoing the consent-request, what you see in the approved tab is the consent-artefacts. There can be multiple artefacts for the same consent-request. For each of the care-context for a HIP one consent-artefact is generated.

Patients can go and revoke any individual consent-artefacts. Please tell us if there are more or any specific question.

Thank you

Hi @mdubey AFAIK,

There used to be only one such entry in the approved tab before right? Did something change here?

@mdubey Got it. I think before there was a option to revoke the entire consent but that went away no user has to manually delete sub consent.

Any idea when this was released? This came as quite surprise to us.

Hi @bhaskar.dabhi,

Which version of the app you are using, the above was always the approach on the app side. However there have been some changes in the flow on the requests page to accomadate Locker Approval Request along with the consent requests.

In the lastest app version(1.3.2) on the sandbox website, after approving the cosent-request we will se the consent-request in the approved section. However revoke cannot be directly applied on the consent-request. After clicling on the consent-request individual artefacts for that requests would be shown which can be revoked.

Please check with the latest version and let us know if you do not find as above.

Thank you