Multiple Health ID Number Generation

First, is there a possibility of multiple Health ID Number generation with single mobile number? If no then, for multiple Health IDs will the system return same Health ID Number associated with Health IDs linked to a particular mobile number, Please clarify it.

Yes, we can generate multiple health Id Numbers with single mobile number. Each Health ID is associated with a single health ID number.
For deduplication of the health id no and health id against a given mobile number, we use the name, year of birth and gender of the user.

Right now, mobile app is restricing one health if for single number. Shouldn’t it allow multiple health ID for same number @Mounica @mdubey?

Hi @bhaskar.dabhi,

The HealthId systems returns the same user if it finds the Mobile Number, Year Of birth, Gender and Name(fuzzy match) to be same as an existing patient. If you want to create different healthids with the same mobile number please use a different mobile number and year of birth.

Thank you