M1 and M3 Intigration

Hi @IntegrationSupport ,

  1. To obtain the production keys, we currently only want to initiate M1 and M3, and we will look into M2 in the future.It is possible right?
  2. How can we test M3 if we are only integrating M3 and M2 HIP is not integrated because we have no connecting records for the dummy abhaId or nothing linked to the provided abhaId? (So what we expect if we are sending consent to perticular dummy abhaId)
  3. For M3 integration is it necessary to integrate our own PHR app or we can make use of abha PHR app to get consent and approve…

@kaustubh Yes, you can do M1 and M3 and get productional keys once approved.
If you are not doing M2, you can push records from our EMR testing portal and you will received records in PHR app. You can use any PHR app, ABHA PHR , Driefcase, Ekacare as all these are ABDM certified. For raising consent, we have HIU testing portal. You need to have credentials which will be sent by us. https://dev.ndhm.gov.in/hiu#/hiu/login

EMR testing portal from where you will push records -

Credentials for EMR–
HPID - 79-5576-8431-3437 - Facility ID - IN3410000220 , Password- Healthid1@

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For the first time, thank you I logged in successfully, then my session expired, so I tried to re-log in with the same credentials, but it was sending the following issue.
I tried only 2 to 3 times with above password and HPID but started getting below error
@IntegrationSupport @satyadeep

422 : [{“code”:“HIS-422”,“message”:“Unable to process the current request due to some wrong data entered.”,“details”:[{“message”:“You are blocked due to the maximum invalid attempts to log in for PASSWORD method”,“code”:“HIS-1039”,“attribute”:{“key”:“method”,“value”:“password”}}]}]

I guess you need to wait for the day to clear the lock-in period or may be raise a request with @IntegrationSupport to get the lock cleared.


@kaustubh Please try again later. It is working perfectly fine at our end.

I am getting same error from last 3 hrs will you please check once @IntegrationSupport
Using above credentials only
Credentials for EMR–
HPID - 79-5576-8431-3437 , Password- Healthid1@

@kaustubh It is working perfectly fine.

@IntegrationSupport Hi,

After the above issue was fixed, I signed in and attempted to generate records against an AbhaId, which was successful.
However, these records are not appearing in the Abha SBX PHR app.

When I log in to the EMR app, the only facility I have for creating records is Archana Eye Clinic.
However, after creating records in the EMR app, they are initially not reflected in the linked facility in the PHR app. If I search for the same facility in the “Link My Health Records” section, “Archana Eye Clinic” appears, but it is constantly giving me the error message “unable to connect your hospital try again later.” I’ve been attempting the same thing for a day, but nothing is reflecting.
I have also select “YES” in “Do You Want To Link Your Health Record With Your Health Id” During creation of records in EMR.

PHR App issue

Facility I am getting during loggedIn

Carecontext created against my abhaId but not reflecting in PHR app

Kindly look into this please…
Thnaks in advance