Hi, In our mobile app that is to be launched shortly we integrate with social identity platforms, and add SMART on FHIR launch scopes. Our authorization server attaches FHIR scopes, issues access tokens to perform CRUD on our FHIR server. We plan to leverage this and integrate with NDHM Health ID. For this I would like to know, if the NDHM Health ID APIs can return a callback after authentication is complete to a custom URL I specify ? If it can be done, then I would also like to know what protocol is NDHM using currently to generate the Health IDs. Is it OIDC, SAML…? It is important to know this, as this would effect the parameters needed from NDHM to integrate into the app.
Please don’t confuse this with DEPA. It’s okay if this can’t be supported right now, although it would mean, I have to strip off the authorization flow that I currently have
Thank you