I am getting these error Token Verfication fail


Hi team
I am getting these error
“requestId”: “1ac3d005-adb9-463f-94fd-2d62559a60a7”,
“error”: {
“code”: 2500,
“message”: “Token verification failed”
“timestamp”: [
“resp”: {
“requestId”: “3cadba89-42a6-4246-aa80-dafd66b30c18”

Can you please resolve these error

@Bhaskar1 I’m facing same issue since morning

Hi Kiran
issue is resolve or not resolve can you please tell me
if it is resolve how can you please tell me…

Hi team
Today also i am facing the same issue How can i resolve these issue
I am forward the mail to you can you please check once Sachin

1 Like

We are facing the same issue,
actually our gateway token is valid that’s why we can able to use other API.
if we consider the scenario of gateway auth token is invalid for https://dev.abdm.gov.in/gateway/v0.5/users/auth/fetch-modes
this API itself will throw 401 Unauthorized error (It actually correctly ignores, when we tested using wrong token)
but with valid token we get 202 accepted and on the callback URL on-fetch-mode we get
“error”: {
“code”: 2500,
“message”: “Token verification failed”

Hey Hi
Present You are doing Consent Flow If consent flow can you please tell me the flow

Issue is not fixed yet… You can check yourself by hitting fetch-modes API.

Bro you are doing for HIMS

No. I’m just fellow developer like you.

You are developing in Web

Yes. for both web and app

Is this issue resolved? @Bhaskar1 @IntegrationSupport

Facing same issue from todays morning

{“requestId”:“a5000e51-aaad-4c31-a1d0-9b9633f1a025”,“error”:{“code”:2500,“message”:“Token verification failed”},“timestamp”:[2023,12,2,13,37,11,157738000],“resp”:{“requestId”:“e7814082-5bcb-4dbb-9bdf-40446f85273d”}}

Yes, we are also facing the same issue. Tried accessing v0.5/consent-requests/init and the response is

{'requestId': 'ca1bf172-63c7-4218-8f44-76c9a41a3f26', 'error': {'code': 2500, 'message': 'Token verification failed'}, 'timestamp': [2023, 12, 4, 4, 41, 42, 799110000], 'resp': {'requestId': '5a35aa66-e850-4fe2-ba96-375e416aa822'}}



Hi team
Today also i am facing the same issue

“requestId”: “7145722e-9e1b-4645-898c-1bdab8f72f7e”,
“error”: {
“code”: 2500,
“message”: “Token verification failed”
“timestamp”: [
“resp”: {
“requestId”: “327bd553-22e6-4dbd-99d1-451b074d0090”
Can you please tell me How can i resolve these issue


Hi team

Can you please tell me how can i resolve these issue Sir

@Bhaskar1 This issue have been already escalated with the tech team, and team is working on it for a fix.

Hi team
Issue is resloved