How to send encrypted data on data push url

Hi please specify the payload which has to be sent to to send the encrypted FHIR data.

@Govind_Deshmukh Kindly look into it.

Hi @RohanChristopher707,

Sorry to interrupt you please check the API on Sandbox Document, please follow the below link.

NDHM Sandbox (

Govind D

@RohanChristopher707, Please confirm if the issue is resolved

@akshay.pal yes, issue resolved, used the below payload for the data push url

“pageNumber”: 1,
“pageCount”: 1,
“transactionId”: “”,
“entries”: [
“content”: “encryptedFHIRbundle”,
“media”: “application/fhir+json”,
“checksum”: “string”,
“careContextReference”: “CareContextReference”
“keyMaterial”: {
“cryptoAlg”: “ECDH”,
“curve”: “Curve25519”,
“dhPublicKey”: {
“expiry”: “”,
“parameters”: “Curve25519/32byte random key”,
“keyValue”: “key to share”
“nonce”: “generated nonce string”