I have tried for Access Token but I got Error - code - HIS-400 and HIS-1002 response. I didn’t get Access Token.
Follwing API Document : abha-API-services
In document mentioned this success response :
Base URL:
Method :
End Point:
Access Token get from this API :
Used Client ID is :
body :
"healthIdNumber": "91-5668-XXXX-XXXX",
"password": "XXXXXXXXXXX"
But I got ERROR Resonse. How do i get access token for ABHA service.
The response like ,
"code": "HIS-400",
"message": "Request is invalid. Please enter the correct data.",
"details": [
"message": "The field value should not be empty.",
"code": "HIS-1002",
"attribute": {
"key": "healthId",
"value": null
I passed healthIdNumber in body but here error mentioned key is healthId Is it correct ?