How System Act in case of Purpose "BTG"

Hello Team,

We Are Implementing HIP As Well As HIU. I just want to know that How this Complete ecosystem ACT in case of userPurpose “BTG”???
As per my knowledge, the case of BTG (Break The Glass) is applicable when patient is not available to provide consent .And Doctor Req to fetch his data from ecosystem.
Which Api calls gets skiped in this case?
Also, in current sandbox envoirment when we raised consent with purpose BTG. It still required patient’s consent…

Is there any different implementation of case BTG required in sandbox?

Please correct me if i am wrong .

hi @Rohan,

right now we don’t support for the BTG type of purpose, it needs different implementation.


ok… Thnaks and Noted.

Hi @Rohan

Just to reiterate the you can still raise a consent request with BTG as the type of purpose, but for this type of purpose also USER have to grant the consent

Hi @leelanakka ,

Hope you are doing well.

Any update about BTG as a type of purpose implementation.

++ @mdubey @sukreet

Please have a look at here

@IntegrationSupport Any updates on this? Does the ecosystem still doesn’t support BTG?