HIU: View health data on the mobile client

Hi @IntegrationSupport,

I understand as an HIU, we are not allowed to store health data into the database and should always go through the entire health information flow to view the data.

The flow is asynchronous and data can be pushed by HIP at any time to the HIU server. This data needs to be hold somewhere till it is consumed and viewed on the mobile side.It can be holded temporarily in memory (disadvantage can be scalability as the health data size can be large ?).
What are your suggestions ?

(Correct me If I am wrong.) On a related note, I think the Project EKA reference implementation (https://github.com/ProjectEKA/health-information-user) stores the data into the file system till the consent allows it. Is this okay to do?

Any feedback on above ?

@ayadav Data is always stored in the HRP (Health repository providers). HRP are those which manages HMIS/LMIS. When HIU (hospital provider) seeks records of patients , HRP then notifies gateway which then seeks consent from the patient, who gives consent managed by Consent manager(CM) and CM talks to the gateway. Gateway inturn notifies HIP for consent who then starts preparing the data. Meanwhile, gateway also notifies the HIU which sends datapush URL. This URL is shared with HIP who shares data.This is how data exchange happns.

Hi @IntegrationSupport ,
I am aware of the data exchange process from the ABDM documentation.
My question was more on this specific use case: Once HIU receives the data and wants to share it to the HIU mobile client who initiated the request for health data, what options do you suggest?
For e.g. hold data in memory and do polling from the mobile client side.

@ayadav Here as per your question : Please follow HIP initiated linking. Data do not reside in memory, data reside in HRP as already mentioned.