HIU Swagger showing wrong HTTP status code for health-information/notify

Hi Team,
The HTTP code for status Notification Accepted currently shows as 204 in the HIU/HIP Swagger Document, however the Accepted Code is coming as 202 just like the others. A modification is required here.


Hi @Rohit_Bhattacharya,

Could you please point us to the exact place where you see this difference. We cross checked the ndhm-hiu and ndhm-hip where it seems to be as expected.

Please point us to the link where you the difference.

Thank you

Hi @mdubey,
As per the Swagger docs the following endpoint under Gateway /v0.5/health-information/notify for both HIU and HIP is supposed to return the status code 204 when Notification is Accepted, however it runs 202 as per our last test routine.

Hi @Rohit_Bhattacharya,

Thanks for pointing it out. We cross checked the wrong APIs, we will fix it.

Thanks again for you help.

Thank you