HIU : consent shows blank white page (milestone 3)

HIU dashboard is showing blank screen after clicking on the consent request after showing loading icon for a split second.

Consent request granted from the phr app and backend api’s are also successfully executed.

Data is sent through apis on the HIP backend.

any update on this ??

Hey @SumitRana,

Didn’t get the issue blank screen,
can you be more specific or Screenshot for the error?


After the consent is granted by the patient (through Phr app) , we see apis running successfully on HIP backend, and the HIU shows consent granted status. But once we click on consent on HIU dashboard , the page shows loading icon for a spit second and then the page goes blank.

The observation page after clicking the consent (granted by phr app) is showing blank.
The observation page mentioned on step 6 in the doc https://sandbox.ndhm.gov.in/docs/test_health_repository

After clicking on 1st consent request getting blank page

@SumitRana is it happening for all consent of for only the first consent?

It was happening for all consents that were generated.

any update on this ??

Hey @SumitRana,

Please share your client id and let us try creating new HIU Credentials for you.


Client ID : SBX_000064

Patient Registration Api (GenerateOTP) is constantly giving error as server unavailable.

This API is necessary for the patient registration process (which is part of milestone 1).

API we are using is equivalent to the latest documentation.

