HFR-HRP linkage APIs

Hi team,
I am working on HFR-HRP linking APIs, tried referring the swagger given below:

I have a few questions. Firstly, what is expected in the authorisation token, is it the same as the gateway token. Secondly, I tried using the gateway token and hit on the api for fetchFacilityContactDetails. I am getting “501 Not Implemented” in response.

What exactly should we do to find the error?
What could be the error?


@Ramandeep1 @IntegrationSupport can u please check this issue?

I am getting the same Issue is it resolved @kartik

@IntegrationSupport Please help me in this as i am getting “501 Not Implemented” Also Can you clarify the required request fields to send in this API . I only want all facilities on basis of state and districts.

Can you also me API for state and district Listing code so that i can store it in database for my listing.

API to list district and states

  1. http://facilitysbx.ndhm.gov.in/v1.5/facility/lgd/districts?stateCode={{stateCode}}
  2. http://facilitysbx.ndhm.gov.in/v1.5/facility/lgd/states

@ayadav33 Thank you for your response .
Is your search api is working ? Can you provide me api to search facilities on basis of state and district code?

Hi @shivangi1
I am not sure about the correct api used because I haven’t tried it.
But may be try with this - http://facilitysbx.ndhm.gov.in/v1.5/facility/search
with payload -

“ownershipCode”: “string”,

“stateLGDCode”: “string”,

“districtLGDCode”: “string”,

“subDistrictLGDCode”: “string”,

“pincode”: “string”,

“facilityName”: “string”,

“facilityId”: “string”,

“page”: 0,

“resultsPerPage”: 0


@ayadav33 I have already tried with this getting error 501 Not implemented