At the time of the application to NDHM Sandbox, we applied for Health Locker services as well. I would like to know, if we need to do anything extra for :
Each Locker will be registered with the FHR Gateway as HEALTH_LOCKER type.
I am asking this specifically as we need to use the api /v0.5/users/auth/on-init with authMode = “DIRECT” for validating the user after signup.
If the we try the above, we just receive a status code 202 and receive an /v0.5/users/auth/on-init callback with the following response :
“requestId”: “5fbad809-3892-42e3-b298-a3ea60b69f35”,
“timestamp”: “2021-01-05T02:35:10.567215”,
“auth”: {
“transactionId”: “ab216e70-1722-4b45-96c7-35edc81b698d”,
“mode”: “DIRECT”,
“meta”: {
“hint”: null,
“expiry”: “2021-01-05T04:35:10.56722”
“error”: null,
“resp”: {
“requestId”: “f6585f89-ebaf-4db2-bc5e-c68e1558a9af”
} -
My expectation as per the flow diagram is /v0.5/users/auth/notify should be triggered.
We (Health Locker) then, need to trigger a corresponding /v0.5/users/auth/on-notify.
We understand the HealthID is getting redesigned to be a OIDC. But we want to test the API flow, including subscriptions and configure them
I am looking for guidance on where do I mention the below, do I need to mention it to NDHM ? We intend to to do android app invocation. That said, what is the guidance for iOS ?
- Lockers must mention how their sign-up can be invoked. Current means are through launching URL on browsers or invocation of android app intent.
Appreciate your feedback @angshuonline @kiranma @Mounica