Health Locker specs

At the time of the application to NDHM Sandbox, we applied for Health Locker services as well. I would like to know, if we need to do anything extra for :

  • Each Locker will be registered with the FHR Gateway as HEALTH_LOCKER type.

  • I am asking this specifically as we need to use the api /v0.5/users/auth/on-init with authMode = “DIRECT” for validating the user after signup.

  • If the we try the above, we just receive a status code 202 and receive an /v0.5/users/auth/on-init callback with the following response :
    “requestId”: “5fbad809-3892-42e3-b298-a3ea60b69f35”,
    “timestamp”: “2021-01-05T02:35:10.567215”,
    “auth”: {
    “transactionId”: “ab216e70-1722-4b45-96c7-35edc81b698d”,
    “mode”: “DIRECT”,
    “meta”: {
    “hint”: null,
    “expiry”: “2021-01-05T04:35:10.56722”
    “error”: null,
    “resp”: {
    “requestId”: “f6585f89-ebaf-4db2-bc5e-c68e1558a9af”

  • My expectation as per the flow diagram is /v0.5/users/auth/notify should be triggered.

  • We (Health Locker) then, need to trigger a corresponding /v0.5/users/auth/on-notify.

  • We understand the HealthID is getting redesigned to be a OIDC. But we want to test the API flow, including subscriptions and configure them

I am looking for guidance on where do I mention the below, do I need to mention it to NDHM ? We intend to to do android app invocation. That said, what is the guidance for iOS ?

  • Lockers must mention how their sign-up can be invoked. Current means are through launching URL on browsers or invocation of android app intent.

Appreciate your feedback @angshuonline @kiranma @Mounica

Hi @Venu_Gopal,
The API documentation of health locker is put just for understanding purpose as of now. All the health locker specific APIs are not deployed on sandbox. So, the complete flow is not possible as of now on sandbox.


Thank you @Gayatrij for your quick response. Is there a tentative date when we can expect these to be deployed ?

Hello @Gayatrij is there a tentative timeline, this can be expected ?