Health Locker : Consent Auto approval Issue

I have registered Health locker successfully and also i have implemented subscriptions api. I am getting long term token and consent auto approval after approved Health locker request from phr android app. The subscriptions api flow is working.
When i am linking some carecontext through the phr android app. As a Health Locker i am getting notification(/v0.5/subscriptions/hiu/notify) form CM. I am getting carecontext in api /v0.5/subscriptions/hiu/notify. Using this carecontext i am raised consent request and it’s get auto approved but i am getting error when i am calling ‘/v0.5/consents/fetch’

API: /v0.5/consents/fetch
Error: (500) Internal Server Error

Below is json payload
Request : /v0.5/consent-requests/init
{“requestId”:“e41a4283-c649-459f-942d-9325e1e8abbd”,“timestamp”:“2021-02-24T14:32:00.4428605Z”,“consent”:{“purpose”:{“text”:“Self Requested”,“code”:“PATRQT”,“refUri”:""},“patient”:{“id”:“jatin@sbx”,“name”:null},“hip”:{“id”:“driefcasehip”},“hiu”:{“id”:“driefcasehl”},“careContexts”:[{“patientReference”:“jatin@sbx”,“careContextReference”:“DCAR2021022200042”}],“requester”:{“name”:“DRiefcase Health Locker”,“identifier”:{“type”:“Health Locker”,“value”:"",“system”:""}},“hiTypes”:[“Prescription”,“DiagnosticReport”,“OPConsultation”,“DischargeSummary”,“ImmunizationRecord”],“permission”:{“accessMode”:“VIEW”,“dataEraseAt”:“2021-02-25T14:30:00.4428538Z”,“dateRange”:{“from”:“2021-02-23T14:30:00.4428487Z”,“to”:“2021-02-25T14:30:00.4428533Z”},“frequency”:{“unit”:“HOUR”,“value”:“1”,“repeats”:“1”}}}}

Response: /v0.5/consent-requests/on-init

v0.5/consents/hiu/notify :

Request: v0.5/consents/fetch

/v0.5/consents/fetch getting Error (500) Internal Server Error

When i am raised consent request using HIU app the flow is working

Please guide us

Hi @jatin,

We see an error in our logs as below:

No mapping found for X-CM-ID : ncg

The X-CM-ID must be sbx in this case, which you would have used for consent-request/init as well.

Could you please try with the right X-CM-ID.

Thank you

Hi @mdubey, thanks for reply
Above problem is solved.

Now i am not getting call back response of api ‘v0.5/health-information/cm/request’
Call back api : v0.5/health-information/cm/on-request is not call

Please guide us.

Below is json payload

Request: ‘v0.5/health-information/cm/request’

Hi @jatin,

This is the issue. The DateRange has values from and to as null. Please correct it and send again. Meanwhile we will look into why our validations did not work.


Thank you

Hi @mdubey,
Issue is solved
Thanks for you support