Getting time-out error for APIs

We are facing problem today, where some of the APIs related to ABHA creation are not responding consistently. Sometimes they are giving reponse and most of the not responding,therefore, getting 504 gateway time-out error.
for example, this api for OTP generation and verification is giving gateway timeout error.

Can you share the baseURL which you are using?

@IntegrationSupport @Hardik We are also facing the same issue with the above mentioned APIs. Please check.

We have HTC demo planned for today, requesting quick action on this.

@mohant please enter the transaction ID within 10 mins of time frame.

@IntegrationSupport Yes we have tried it within 10 minutes as soon as we have received the OTP.

My client id is SBX_003116

I am facing issue with M1 flow ,Server response is very slow from NHA server, GETTING TIMEOUT ERROR in otp verification process. Unable to test the flow .

Please help me with this query .


@IntegrationSupport @Hardik We also observe that most of the APIs are giving 504 Gateway timeout. Also the cert endpoint itself also give 504 Gateway timeout blocking all other further operations. Requesting assistance on this as soon as possible.