
API getting accepted 202 but no callback at webhook is being received.

@Govind_Deshmukh kindly look

Attached Request :
“requestId”: “352eb894-2a92-4152-a4b2-78429ac0892b”,
“timestamp”: “2022-06-09T09:33:26.835000”,
“link”: {
“accessToken”: “eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJwcmF0aGFtaGFja2VyIiwicmVxdWVzdGVyVHlwZSI6IkhJUCIsInJlcXVlc3RlcklkIjoiTElWRSIsInBhdGllbnRJZCI6InByYXRoYW1oYWNrZXIiLCJzZXNzaW9uSWQiOiI2ZjhjZmU4Zi0xOWIwLTRhYmEtOGRhZC1hMzRhNWJkY2Y3NzciLCJleHAiOjE2NTQ4NTM1ODYsImlhdCI6MTY1NDc2NzE4Nn0.Mqu42ET3KQ6im6YcStbeiQNjVn8agX21q1kMMh657xxIA6ENTY0D1t3ZEI9XZVInigjJstQH4egQDAU0SqnRWOyemrNryIrswtEMCqlNh_CrX2J0e-V9bfbytJXu5UZ0RHJmhETXT0yISTReJc-5gO_iKc92CPDBQNBP195epBquhH1SNg0yeo1yS5uuCnmyvEUJhGULLBQww1zDMEMwzBU0SkGkOWEPFtA3rZkY5BN6TVHuqWagRoYy2Xgsv_ittiq3r1BZT66Q0zE017wDmCY1aMipPlIr1Ikks1i9b8Uwas5VobRzch4vBQs9ehlraIkgz2qh-ARxSmFtd8_-eg”,
“patient”: {
“referenceNumber”: “ANURAG_REF_NEW”,
“display”: “Body Check Up NEW”,
“careContexts”: [
“referenceNumber”: “BLOODREF NEW”,
“display”: “Blood colour NEW”

@Haripriya @Govind_Deshmuk looking forward for some update.
Please reply.

Tested using new Health id now its working.
although why healthid created using adhar it shows health id not found but works with health id created using mobile phone.

Are you saying that you just changed the health id and it worked? How do we know which health id it will work and which health id it will not work?

We are facing exactly the same issue? Can you share json script that is working for you?

Here is the attached Json Used to link context.


"requestId": "{{$guid}}",

"timestamp": "{{timestamp}}",

"link": {

    "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhbnVyYWdtb2JpbGVyZWJpcnRoQHNieCIsInJlcXVlc3RlclR5cGUiOiJISVAiLCJyZXF1ZXN0ZXJJZCI6IkxJVkUiLCJwYXRpZW50SWQiOiJhbnVyYWdtb2JpbGVyZWJpcnRoQHNieCIsInNlc3Npb25JZCI6ImEzMjc2MTRjLThlMWEtNDgzOS04YTM4LWQ4MDE1MDgxYmM3NyIsImV4cCI6MTY1NTQ2NDEzMywiaWF0IjoxNjU1Mzc3NzMzfQ.WpDYlVC5m-iYN88xuTwkfr37mPRxSyDMIJSWJVgNhL-B3-fUiuC2W_lCCr-OXB78xvaZ_tQhypd1Zb_fnMBapizlogXOZC4Fy5YdvK7iXnccQ2_UC6LsXgjfcAKcvT8Uq0eZsiTGzBVXdj9CTs6uqS9rFwvrm4sBk18UKz530Q5vNzEV6GJO18hcqWCQ4BTRrk0qYwky50LktkPbge5SUk-DrqEN3glLvbnFBVoR9w2kWPwsk88PvbqLndEsPSmPuG0meNB3n9W-HnDNLqDTO50qBbASGfVb8SF56KkRjUrkxXrjQwdafI5uNxbuPBkD3rmwJjH88Ke5xBZI1Gcfbw",

    "patient": {

        "referenceNumber": "patient912",

        "display": "display912",

        "careContexts": [


                "referenceNumber": "careContexts9112022",

                "display": "careContextsdisplay9112022"






As for finding which health id it will work is still unknown for me.

Thank You. Everything looks similar to us as well. But we are still not getting response. We’ll keep trying with different ABHA addresses :rofl:

Let us know if you are able to figure out the trick.

Hey @FinalSolution ,

Can you please mention the health-id’s also with which it is working and for some whom its not working.


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As mentioned for healthid created with adhar card it was not working but the same process followed for an health id created using mobile phone it was working.

Can U please confirm is the same issue is faced by U too.As for healthid created using adhar U gotta use healthid number in place of healthid address.
I am talking about this field:-
“query”: {
“id”: “healthidnumber”,

Hi @FinalSolution,

Please let me know below issue is resolved, if not please let us know.

@Shubhanshu_S please check once, we can close this issue as soon as possible.

Govind D.

Hi @FinalSolution,

Please provide the confirmation if issue is resolved otherwise we will expect this issue has resolved and will close this ticket by today EOD.

Govind D.

Hi @FinalSolution,

We have not received any reply form your end, we are closing this ticket know if you any issue with you please raise new ticket.

Govind D.