FHIR Validation in HIU

Hi @mdubey, @sukreet, @Manisha

Is there any specific library we can use to validate FHIR JSON in java code?

In HIU we received various FHIR JSON of different Health Information Type i.e. ImmunisationRecord, OPConsultation. Before processing JSON we want to make sure FHIR we have received from the HIP is valid as per the standards given for NDHM Profiles in https://www.nrces.in/ndhm/fhir/r4/index.html


Hi @slamba,

You can use FHIR library parser which will does the validation against standard FHIR profiles. You can get the list of libraries for each language here on wiki. However it will not validate enforcements by NDHM but only those which are present in standard FHIR schema.

Thank you

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