Failed to persist in database

Hello Team,

While trying to authenticate the user using route: {{CM_HOST}}/patients/profile/auth-confirm using proper payload

{"transactionId": "b86dd352-2fb3-4001-9db6-8501ae323c82", "authCode": "744170"}

I am getting 500 error :
{ "error": { "code": 1502, "message": "Failed to persist in database" } }



That was a temporary issue which was resolved.
Does this still persists?
Do revert if it does.


@Shubhanshu_S Currently getting 500 on {{CM_HOST}}/patients/profile/auth-init endpoint.

    "error": {
        "code": 1511,
        "message": "Cannot process the request at the moment, please try later."

“authMethod”: “MOBILE_OTP”,
“healthid”: “91-7152-0165-0770”