Empty care context

Hi @IntegrationSupport, I am getting a empty care-context in on-discover api’s
care contexts which is added

display: ‘OPD Records November28’,
referenceNumber: ‘OPD_visit_velukarthic_1’
display: ‘OPD Records November28’,
referenceNumber: ‘OPD_visit_velukarthic_2’

this is the care-contexts which is added to the add care-context and sent on on-discover

“display”:“OPD Records November28”,
“display”:“OPD Records November28”,

      got this response from the gateway  
"patient": {
    "referenceNumber": "velukarthi@sbx",
    "display": "Contexts for velukarthi@sbx is/are displayed below",
    "careContexts": [],
    "matchedBy": [
"transactionId": "284038a7-d905-4f61-a6c8-cae17ade1506"


@Abishekbv Please try with another ABHA address and add fresh care context and let us know if this is working with you. Also, can you share your ABHA address and password with us to debug the issue. If you are not comfortable sharing the credentials here, you can email us at - integration.support@nha.gov.in

Hi @IntegrationSupport, I have added care-contexts for new ABHA address but it returns the empty only

[{“display”: “OPD Records December 9”, “referenceNumber”: “OPD_visit_01”}] - newly added care-contexts
which is successfully added to the abha address priyavelu@sbx but when hitting on-discover it is responded with
“patient”: {
“referenceNumber”: “priyavelu@sbx”,
“display”: “Contexts for priyavelu@sbx is/are displayed below”,
“careContexts”: [],
“matchedBy”: [
“transactionId”: “0a31d490-60ad-4991-8618-a593fc0a02f6”

the care-contexts is returned as empty

This is the ABHA address and password:

Abha address :priyavelu@sbx
password : Priya2001


Please share your availability on abdm.pc20@nha.gov.in. Let us connect over a call to understand and solve the issue.

Please add this devforum link in the mail.

CC: @IntegrationSupport