Download the new Version of PHR APK v2.2.7

Dear All,

Kindly note that we have updated a new version of the PHR application on the sandbox website. Requesting to download the new version and tests flows through that.


  1. Fea: FaceAuth Implementation to create ABHA number.
  2. Implementation of torch feature While scanning.
  3. User can scan the QR code from gallery also.
  4. UI changes.
    · Mockup link of token history to be displayed in menu bar

In all 3 registration flows in ABHA app | User should be allowed to type state and district name based on which results should be displayed and selected in the dropdown

For e.g. In case of state - Like the moment patient type ‘T’, then Telangana, Tripura and Tamil Nadu are displayed and patient can choose any one.

For e.g. In case of District - If user want to select Mathura, then it should allow me to type ‘mat’ and basis which option should come down below from where the user can select and move forward

Link -

Shubhanshu Shukla

@Shubhanshu_S if u can pls verify the consent
is working fine
coz last 3 days several people like me continuously posting issue regarding this and no one is replying