Do health locker have their own database or not?

Hello @IntegrationSupport,
Does health locker has its own database or data will go to the NDHM database through health locker?
Can we store health data as a locker?

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@Sriramk2301 ABDM is based on federated architecture that is, data resides at source, where it is currently residing ie. hospitals or clinics. ABDM never stores any data.

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Then what about when user uploads medical records from his device where do these records get stored i.e in whose database.

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Also do we need to have our own database in any scenario for a phr app. Incase yes whats that scenario/functionality?

@Sriramk2301 As already mentioned in the trail, data resides at source, where it is currently residing ie. hospitals or clinics. ABDM never stores any data.

@Sriramk2301 hi, Just to clarify - data storage for health locker is the ownership of health locker service provider.