Hi @IntegrationSupport @sravani ,
I’m integrating M3, and since M2 isn’t started yet, I’m using the EMR web interface to create and link records to the ABHAID “91506400830325@sbx”.
Records are linked from the EMR, and I can see them in the PHR app as well.
As until “v0.5/health-information/cm/request” in the HIU Flow, everything was functioning as it should, but when I hit this URL, I am not receiving a response from the relevant HIP.
I code in javaScript so using elliptic library which provides support for a variety of elliptic curves, including Curve25519 and generating public and private key and nonce.
With my dataPush URL when I hit API ““v0.5/health-information/cm/request”” I am also getting response from gateway that it sessionStatus is “REQUESTED” but I am not getting any response from HIP on my data push URL.
On EMR, HIP where I create records is “Archana Eye Clinic”, and I am also requesting records against them from HIU.
Please find atached Postman curl for reference :
curl --location ‘https://dev.abdm.gov.in/gateway/v0.5/health-information/cm/request’
–header ‘Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIs…’
–header ‘X-CM-ID: sbx’
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’
–header ‘Cookie: TS011c04bd=01445fed0407060c1724d11c820452716ecffeba5100eab177ff3b57628e51f36d7e7034fa52cc07aaa8f752b56c2f98554f22434f’
–data ‘{
“requestId”: “5faa84c4-52b2-427f-8f86-243831f5397a”,
“timestamp”: “2023-09-27T07:04:24.617Z”,
“hiRequest”: {
“consent”: {
“id”: “55846a32-34f5-4133-89be-9c64c8d80274”
“dataPushUrl”: “https://eouza8wfq5grfuq.m.pipedream.net”,
“keyMaterial”: {
“cryptoAlg”: “ECDH”,
“curve”: “Curve25519”,
“dhPublicKey”: {
“expiry”: “2022-12-26T10:25:26.274Z”,
“parameters”: “Curve25519/32byte random key”,
“nonce”: “22a586c8db08398f6f9fe59c284a10593a19a32d4b888fb178e0569b2d135d77”
Response I am getting after hitting above curl on gateway is
sessionStatus: REQUESTED
transactionId: 3c9928c6-197e-46bf-922b-a6115446a9ca
requestId: d80c5b15-f2e7-4969-ae8b-d4212713e40f
requestId: 2d5f16d8-ef0b-42c9-ba9f-2d0337a961b3
timestamp: 2023-09-27T06:23:37.810423838
accept: */*
authorizationBearer nY9OE7Q8nIaVTB1XERteBEraSvjlLXbH15…
content-length: 266
content-type: application/json
correlation-id: 37ee3309-2fea-48c4-bd12-5a0d9b8dafbb
host: eoxkbdadd9w1bvq.m.pipedream.net
user-agent: ReactorNetty/0.9.7.RELEASE
x-hiu-id: 91506400830325
method: POST
path: /v0.5/health-information/hiu/on-request