Consent approve body

In the consent approve body, do we need to pass all the hips and all the care contexts? if the doctor has requested for a particular hip only, do we still need to send all hips in the approve body because from the current flow of the ABHA SBX app, it is not asking to select particular HIP before approving the request. Kindly brief and help.

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@IntegrationSupport @Ramandeep1

Client ID:- SBX_003468 @IntegrationSupport please reply

@chaitanya2001 Doctor cannot request for any particular hip because doctor never know in which HIP patient is holding reports. So doctor request for consent related to health records only for which care context is created previously under which health records were available for the particular patient.

okay got your point, it means when the doctor is raising a consent, he will not be able to mention any HIP, it is upto to the patient for which HIP he/she wants to share the consent… and does this also means that the HI types, expiry, which the user is selecting while granting the consent will be same for all the care contexts that are linked with his health id…

Also can you brief about the request body of consent-grant for multiple HIP…

“requestId”: “499a5a4a-7dda-4f20-9b67-e24589627061”,
“timestamp”: “2023-08-22T04:01:42.244Z”,
“consent”: {
“purpose”: {
“text”: “string”,
“code”: “string”,
“refUri”: “string”
“patient”: {
“id”: “hinapatel79@ndhm”
“hip”: {
“id”: “string”
“careContexts”: [
“patientReference”: “batman@tmh”,
“careContextReference”: “Episode1”
“hiu”: {
“id”: “string”
“requester”: {
“name”: “Dr. Manju”,
“identifier”: {
“type”: “REGNO”,
“value”: “MH1001”,
“system”: “”
“hiTypes”: [
“permission”: {
“accessMode”: “VIEW”,
“dateRange”: {
“from”: “2023-08-22T04:01:42.244Z”,
“to”: “2023-08-22T04:01:42.244Z”
“dataEraseAt”: “2023-08-22T04:01:42.244Z”,
“frequency”: {
“unit”: “HOUR”,
“value”: 0,
“repeats”: 0

this is the sample request body of consent-init API, what is the purpose of “hip” in the request body?

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Check payload from the link share.