Complete KYC Using Aadhaar

Hi @adnan_360 @Shubhanshu_Shukla @depakpant @ishantd

I am trying to KYC my account with aadhaar.

My ABHA address is
“Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJtYW5qb29yMDZAc2J4IiwiY2xpZW50SWQiOiJQSFItV0VCIiwic3lzdGVtIjoiQUJIQS1BIiwicmVxdWVzdGVySWQiOiJQSFItV0VCIiwicGhyTW9iaWxlIjoiODkwNTkyOTgxMSIsImV4cCI6MTY1MjQyMDI0MCwiaWF0IjoxNjUyNDEzMDQwLCJwaHJBZGRyZXNzIjoibWFuam9vcjA2QHNieCIsInR4bklkIjoiMjA1Mjk4OTctYWI3NS00Y2UyLWIwNjktNTFiZmYwM2Y2Mjc1In0.NUK98RIXVD5hBFY4-P7vLLxG9aeX0MibyagilgJbbL2wm5BfzfW0JgYZ74Dp_g96Ur20LdT9H46ogHF0GWT72ejx02okMv_CZuPU7XLXwoTEQ5SjGgyBd1NDaaTwaCLtEGU-5voCvVjuQpxBU-swnpZ0LT5skZWVXDkDpUZNl4Xnu88Uc1qBLSEnOtULNU8eia_N9bl2IwWfQCAlEBrD0Qua_99qPC5O2rjn87FwOzhEGs0Mc6Z8gZX2owtBiDDvQZHjEUJs6v3DMCL0AYHdSbcskq8CSBcMG61iUb9SFo-8v-0yDJUvtCEflYmDDdG2cjdqG3BvBmb931AmPF82pw”

“otp”: “922021”,
“txnId”: “4a6ef8f5-7088-4aac-b910-971afe5f5cd7”

“code”: “HIS-422”,
“message”: “Unable to process the current request due to incorrect data entered.”,
“details”: [
“message”: "No user account can be found with the ABHA Number/Enrolment Number provided. ",
“code”: “HIS-1008”,
“attribute”: null

EVEN account created with Aadhaar I am getting the same error. The account is. 23060236527039@sbx

we could not find any Health id data related to this ‘manjoor06@sbx’ phr address HealthId DB, @Prajwal please check in phr db.

Also please share your previous api call details / curl.

I want to KYC this account with my aadhaar, so this account will not have health id number.
The account with health id number is 23060236527039@sbx.

And API call I have already shared in this thread above.

I will look into this.

@manjoorkapoor As I understood you created “manjoor06@sbx” ABHA address separately and it is not verified. now you want to connect / get verified “manjoor06@sbx” ABHA address with 23060236527039 this ABHA number.

to connect manjoor06@sbx this ABHA address with ABHA number you have to use “/v2/account/phr-linked” API.

if you have farther queries then please share curl of API where you generating X-Token.

Anand Sunchu

I just want to KYC this id.


{ "code": "HIS-422", "message": "Unable to process the current request due to incorrect data entered.", "details": [ { "message": "No user account can be found with the ABHA Number/Enrolment Number provided. ", "code": "HIS-1008", "attribute": null } ] }

Now in simple words how do I KYC my PHR address manjoor06@sbx?


@sunchu kindly look.

we can not do kyc of phr address.

KYC of PHR address can be done when creating PHR address using ABHA number. When creating PHR address via email_id or mobile number, it will be self-declared. Hope this clarifies your query

Hi @SARCH1 @sunchu,

Say for example I have created a ABHA address using mobile / email.
e.g. manjoor06@sbx.
And this is the one & only ABHA address I have created using mobile / email.
Now I want to create health id number for the ABHA address. manjoor06@sbx
How that can be achieved?
Are there any other API’s for the same?

you have to follow health_id_number creation via aadhar flow APIs and mention phr address in last API call ( /v1/registration/aadhaar/createHealthIdWithPreVerified)

@manjoorkapoor please confirm if this resolves the concern raised

closing issue for now, if you have any farther queries please create new issue.