Care Context linking not receiving Transaction ID

Hi team,

We are not able to get transaction ID in production when we are hitting below.
API - /gateway/v0.5/users/auth/init

But we are receiving OTP to our mobile but in response we are not getting transaction id. this is happening since a month. please help us in this.
@IntegrationSupport @Ramandeep1

Hi @IntegrationSupport @Ramandeep1 @Binay.n.Singh @Areeb

could you please help us in this. it has been a blocker for us since a month.

@HelenGrace Please share postman screenshot with body. Why are you doing in production. You are not live. You have to do testing in sandbox environment.

below is the API and reqObj we are hitting.

“requestId”: “{{$guid}}”,
“timestamp”: “{{$isoTimestamp}}”,
“query”: {
“id”: “avinash.1232022@abdm”,
“purpose”: “KYC_AND_LINK”,
“authMode”: “MOBILE_OTP”,
“requester”: {
“type”: “HIP”,
“id”: “PSMRI_001”

Please note that we are getting status code 200, but not receiving the response transaction ID. tested with webhook url, please check below response -

“requestId”: “71975b4b-fe1d-42e3-b297-dd76f8f1b933”,
“timestamp”: “2023-10-10T07:28:17.339540034”,
“auth”: null,
“error”: {
“code”: 1511,
“message”: “Cannot process the request at the moment, please try later.”
“resp”: {
“requestId”: “fea72602-26d0-497f-8c22-12f73b506b0d”

@HelenGrace Wrong URL used - Please use this url — You cannot use live URL as you are not live. Please go through our documentation section before implementation.


please understand, we are facing the problem in live URL not in the dev URL. Please help us to resolve this issue in live.

Confirm, which organization you belong and confirm when did you went live with ABDM.

@IntegrationSupport we belong piramal swasthya organization, we went live in bihar state years back. We have completed M1,M2, M3 integrations long back. All are working fine previously. Since last 1 month we are facing this issue suddenly. Please help us with this

@nitesh_jain Kindly assist here (Production issue). Payload body is this thread.

@HelenGrace We have escalated this issue with the tech team,
Kindly use “DEMOGRAPHICS” for auth/init

CC @IntegrationSupport

@nitesh_jain @IntegrationSupport We don’t have auth mode " DEMOGRAPHICS" in our application we have only “MOBILE_OTP” and “AADHAAR_OTP”

@HelenGrace Kindly integrate the Demographic, as it is a mandatory test for authentication.

CC @IntegrationSupport

@IntegrationSupport @nitesh_jain can you please help with an update on this. we are still facing this issue.

@HelenGrace What is the issue you are facing. Please shar payload. As mentioned in the above trail, please implement demo auth for linking.

@IntegrationSupport can you please tell what will be required for in payload for authMode “AUTH_BIO”

@HelenGrace Please check the swagger for payload

Hi @IntegrationSupport @nitesh_jain
we are trying to hit the demographics authmode for CARE-CONTEXT Linking with below request object but we are not receiving access token on auth/confirm API. and also not receiving the OTP on hitting the first API. can you please help us

ReqObj -

“requestId”: “d6a77f04-5b91-4056-a7f7-c759eaad7ad9”,

“timestamp”: “{{timestamp}}”,

“query”: {

"id": "helengrace@sbx",

"purpose": "KYC",

"authMode": "DEMOGRAPHICS",

"requester": {

  "type": "HIP",

  "id": "PIRSWASTH_953256"




ReqObj -


"requestId": "{{$guid}}",

"timestamp": "{{$isoTimestamp}}",

"transactionId": "491d7db8-ff74-4125-aec9-38b3db9b0ab8",

"credential": {

    "authCode": "string",

    "demographic": {

        "name": "Karyamsetty Helen Grace",

        "gender": "F",

        "dateOfBirth": "2000-10-09",

        "identifier": {

            "type": "MOBILE",

            "value": "8179851224"





@HelenGrace Please use this CURL

curl --location ‘’ \

–header ‘Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCIgOiAiSldUIiIxq6onpO9l1IbdVR7k6MarnNEI2_KX0nfpmz39ZvdFVkks3PPHgR7nV24fJwq7AiAJOzkBgHns1-em44YeZje_FwY-tAEtOsF3y9KDz9PMafWEoqYvdQE9LusLfderXy33lSW2OLfnIFYpGYJibdYknXWH5RanyYmE29vaxjOG7tV_rigXIveAp1kbTdbz3FzL9JZMyksjrgNS9BfDlE-nrStPg1U9CI_pjt1h39YDY84IWZRKS2EeM4rBfwd7hc4F0Bh4XqyXucMbbzmVKxAzLVhs08z0ltMwtCmW3y1o0T3SVuRrkITWRM7bioNRYYg1Bans3vHEg’
–header ‘X-CM-ID: sbx’
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’
–data-raw '{
“requestId”: “7b7296f5-78ef-4247-b899-9bbac69f19b9”,
“timestamp”: “2023-11-22T12:28:22.388Z”,
“query”: {
“id”: “sachinsai@sbx”,
“purpose”: “KYC_AND_LINK”,
“authMode”: “MOBILE_OTP”,

    "requester": {
        "type": "HIP",
        "id": "S_TEST_FACILITY"


curl --location ‘
–header ‘Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cGYJibdYknXWH5RanyYmE29vaxjOG7tV_rigXIveAp1kbTdbz3FzL9JZMyksjrgNS9BfDlE-nrStPg1U9CI_pjt1h39YDY84IWZRKS2EeM4rBfwd7hc4F0Bh4XqyXucMbbzmVKxAzLVhs08z0ltMwtCmW3y1o0T3SVuRrkITWRM7bioNRYYg1Bans3vHEg’
–header ‘X-CM-ID: sbx’
–header ‘Content-Type: application/json’
–data ‘{
“requestId”: “157d140c-c22a-4101-a909-f9bf276cfa69”,
“timestamp”: “2023-11-22T12:29:05.743Z”,
“transactionId”: “731fa5cd-3fd7-40de-825e-7f9303b7b713”,
“credential”: {
“authCode”: “140071”

@IntegrationSupport we are facing trouble with authMode -“DEMOGRAPHICS”

can you please help with that curl

@HelenGrace already provided above.