Hi @IntegrationSupport @nitesh_jain
we are trying to hit the demographics authmode for CARE-CONTEXT Linking with below request object but we are not receiving access token on auth/confirm API. and also not receiving the OTP on hitting the first API. can you please help us
API - https://dev.abdm.gov.in/gateway/v0.5/users/auth/init
ReqObj -
“requestId”: “d6a77f04-5b91-4056-a7f7-c759eaad7ad9”,
“timestamp”: “{{timestamp}}”,
“query”: {
"id": "helengrace@sbx",
"purpose": "KYC",
"authMode": "DEMOGRAPHICS",
"requester": {
"type": "HIP",
"id": "PIRSWASTH_953256"
API - https://dev.ndhm.gov.in/gateway/v0.5/users/auth/confirm
ReqObj -
"requestId": "{{$guid}}",
"timestamp": "{{$isoTimestamp}}",
"transactionId": "491d7db8-ff74-4125-aec9-38b3db9b0ab8",
"credential": {
"authCode": "string",
"demographic": {
"name": "Karyamsetty Helen Grace",
"gender": "F",
"dateOfBirth": "2000-10-09",
"identifier": {
"type": "MOBILE",
"value": "8179851224"