I have a consent regarding data add in Health Locker. If a user already have a HIP and subscribed to a Health Locker how can data be add to both if HIP raise new care-context whcih accessToken do i have to send on add-contexts API calling.
Do I have to create add-contexts request individual for both . And how would we know user is subscribed to which health Locker.
Hi @Shefali
Am a bit lost on what exactly is the question here. just adding a few points here
Users don’t raise /add care contexts, HIPs do that using the token shared as a part of authorisation.
HIP or locker should only add the context that is with them. in the case the receive the same data from different sources , there are ways to identity duplicates.
Once the user a locker setup request for a given locker, only the locker in question is notified, other lockers/HIP/HIU will not be aware of this Information.
Please refer to the webnar and documentation for understanding the complete flow.
Hope this helps