Call Back response

Not getting callback response at production environment,
maybe the production server has some kind of network restriction.

Just to know that NDHM Gateway sends callback responses at some particular port.

Hey @jagjotwadali,

Can we know what you are trying to achieve / use-case .
It would be very helpful if you can elaborate a bit .

Thank You

Currently, I am implementing Milestone 1 in

In Milestone 1, trying to link healthid with PHRMS ,
Hence , I am not able to receive call back response on this url.

My question is that whether I can ask network administrator to whitelist the URL from NDHM.

Second question is that , when the NDHM sends the callback response , it is sent to a particular port number or API.

Please mention the details i have to inform about that to network administrator

Hey @jagjotwadali,

Please try now.

Thank You

@Shubhanshu_Shukla Now it is working,

but please tell me about the changes you have done,
because I have to keep testing code at local server and production server.

Hey @jagjotwadali

Redirect url for your client id was missing.


Now its working on

But I had already updated it.
I keep on changing from local to production and production to local.

Secondly , for which particular Client Id , you had updated .

I have two client Id

  1. For eSanjeevaniOPD- “clientId”: “SBX_000227”,

  2. For PHRMS: “clientId”: “SBX_000345”,

Currently, I am working in PHRMS and my query for related to PHRMS.

Hey @jagjotwadali,

It was missing from our end which is resolved.
