When I set my AWS API Gateway URL (Method=ANY) using API “https://dev.abdm.gov.in/devservice/v1/bridges” but its not working, I am not receiving any callback URL there. When I set webhook.site or pipedream URL then it is working.
Why not receiving callback on my AWS bridge URL ?
There are no any constraints on my AWS side, it is open public URL. When I am calling that URL using postman or browser then it is working success response.
Hello, AWS open public URL generally point to dynamic IP address which may point to location outside of India. This IP may not be whitelisted.
This is my URL like this “https://i0m8dc9rhi.execute-api.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod/mywebhook-path”
Can you please suggest how we can use this URL and what changes we need to get callback on AWS API Gateway.
@IntegrationSupport Really need your help. We are not getting callback here (https://i0m8dc9rhi.execute-api.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/prod/mywebhook-path).
@IntegrationSupport We are trying to implementing for M2-M3 but without getting callback on our server we can’t do further process…
Please do help ASAP, How we can get callback on our AWS API Gateway url? We don’t have any restriction on that URL.
CC: @Srikanta
I am suspecting the URL is hosted outside India .
In this case you need to whitelist the url.
Get in touch with your IC.
@IntegrationSupport please take care of this.
I tried on another server (window) where my nodejs code working but not getting any callbacks there! Also there is not any restriction we provided. Already our live application APIs are working perfectly there, we created a new route for callbacks but still not getting ABDM callbacks there.