I’m trying to modify the subscription request raised by HEALTH_LOCKER as an HIU. But I’m facing the issue when the below request body is used.
“subscriptionEditAndApprovalRequest”: {
“includedSources”: [
“hip”: null,
“hiTypes”: [
“purpose”: {
“text”: null,
“code”: “PATRQT”,
“refUri”: null
“categories”: [
“period”: {
“from”: “2021-04-04T09:17:45.122”,
“to”: “2023-12-06T09:17:45.122”
“excludedSources”: [],
“isApplicableForAllHIPs”: true
It returns with 400 status code.
“error”: {
“code”: 1510,
“message”: “Bad Request”
The same body when used with a HIU which is not a HEALTH_LOCKER but just a normal HIU it goes through and modifies the request, even though the original subscription request was created by HEALTH_LOCKER
“hiuId”: “AZUL_HIU”,
“subscriptionEditAndApprovalRequest”: {
“includedSources”: [
“hip”: null,
“hiTypes”: [
“purpose”: {
“text”: null,
“code”: “PATRQT”,
“refUri”: null
“categories”: [
“period”: {
“from”: “2021-04-04T09:17:45.122”,
“to”: “2023-12-06T09:17:45.122”
“excludedSources”: [],
“isApplicableForAllHIPs”: true
Is this the way this API is supposed to work? Or should HEALTH_LOCKER id be used as HIU ?