Awaiting access and secret key

I have requested an additional access and secret key from email for our HIU application. We already have one set of credentials that we are using for HIP. I need an additional set of credentials as our HIP and HIU applications are hosted on two different URLs and need to configure these two separately in NDHM bridge.

Please help us with a new set of sandbox credentials.


Hi @leelanakka Can you help with this?

Also delete all care contexts connected to my account parag@sbx

@parag for the request of new set of keys, please wait for few days, we’ll verify and get back to you. also @mdubey can we do something about for having different urls for HIP/HIU bridge?

will be deleting the Care contexts connected to your account shortly

@parag provide your health id number, so that we can process for deleting the Care context

Contexts to be deleted from this account parag@sbx, and saqib@sbx

Hi @leelanakka I have already waiting for 7 days for this to come. I have not received any update yet. Can you please get this today?


Hi @parag,

We have deleted the care-contexts linked to parag@sbx and saqib@sbx accounts. Will provide sandbox credentials soon.


Hi @parag,

Shared sandbox credentials to you.
