Hi @IntegrationSupport, @Vjdev @pranab ,
I’ve been trying for the past three days, but I haven’t received any data at all. Since I’m not using M2, I’m using the EMR at the Archana Eye Clinic, whose facility I used to make some records.
However, anytime I try to retrieve data as HIU, I receive the callback from the gateway as requested, but I am unable to retrieve any data for the given keyvalue pair and nonce in the dataPush URL. Since I am using the Fidelius CLI to generate keypair.
“requestId”: “09138d92-c64a-4423-9525-6dc203e898bb”,
“timestamp”: “2023-10-08T19:29:15.880Z”,
“hiRequest”: {
“consent”: {
“id”: “b578c381-e600-49b3-b451-abc27594e56d”
“dataPushUrl”: “https://eouza8wfq5grfuq.m.pipedream.net”,
“keyMaterial”: {
“cryptoAlg”: “ECDH”,
“curve”: “Curve25519”,
“dhPublicKey”: {
“expiry”: “2023-12-26T10:25:26.274Z”,
“parameters”: “Curve25519/32byte random key”,
“keyValue”: “BBiXtFYWfCfkyhU6sKMCVxQQ8VzxiEvzwn/LlBlsV89KAF8Jk7vymUlJqHRAOyTnZwfih0O9X5PA03/JO73frHI=”
“nonce”: “s5ktnNCNbIguFGLufLCROUCGA+t1cUFoiiagLF6DE0o=”