Archana Eye Clinic EMR Data not recieving in dataPushURL

Hi @IntegrationSupport, @Vjdev @pranab ,

I’ve been trying for the past three days, but I haven’t received any data at all. Since I’m not using M2, I’m using the EMR at the Archana Eye Clinic, whose facility I used to make some records.

However, anytime I try to retrieve data as HIU, I receive the callback from the gateway as requested, but I am unable to retrieve any data for the given keyvalue pair and nonce in the dataPush URL. Since I am using the Fidelius CLI to generate keypair.

“requestId”: “09138d92-c64a-4423-9525-6dc203e898bb”,
“timestamp”: “2023-10-08T19:29:15.880Z”,
“hiRequest”: {
“consent”: {
“id”: “b578c381-e600-49b3-b451-abc27594e56d”
“dataPushUrl”: “”,
“keyMaterial”: {
“cryptoAlg”: “ECDH”,
“curve”: “Curve25519”,
“dhPublicKey”: {
“expiry”: “2023-12-26T10:25:26.274Z”,
“parameters”: “Curve25519/32byte random key”,
“keyValue”: “BBiXtFYWfCfkyhU6sKMCVxQQ8VzxiEvzwn/LlBlsV89KAF8Jk7vymUlJqHRAOyTnZwfih0O9X5PA03/JO73frHI=”
“nonce”: “s5ktnNCNbIguFGLufLCROUCGA+t1cUFoiiagLF6DE0o=”

@pranab Please assist in this trail.

@IntegrationSupport @pranab
Please assist here as some day back we were getting response from Archana Eye Clinic facility but now we are totally stuck, as no data is receiving in callback URL from given facility.
Tried many approches but not receiving any data, As of now using pipedream wehbook which is also working fine just not receiving data there.

@kaustubh could you please try using this app to send the data and let us know if it works for you.

Link :-
Id -
Password - Bajaj@123

Hi @kaustubh please let me know whether your issue resolved if yes please help me on this since we are also facing same issue