/api/v1/auth/resendAuthOTP is not working with mobile otp

Description:resend otp by verification by mobile otp
“txnId”: “”,
“authMethod”: “MOBILE_OTP”
response :

“code”: “HIS-422”,
“message”: “Unable to process the current request due to incorrect data entered.”,
“details”: [
“message”: “Transaction not found for UUID.”,
“code”: “HIS-1026”,
“attribute”: null

but the same is working with aadhaar otp.

Please help me on this @IntegrationSupport @Shubhanshu_S

@pranab Can you please check this issue and revert in this thread.

@syamprakashp I can see from the error that transaction id which you have provided is incorrect, kindly pass the correct transaction id and try again

@pranab we have used the correct transaction id still getting this issue


“authMethod”: “MOBILE_OTP”,
“healthid”: “”

response : txnId

Transaction id got from the above api passed to resendAuthOtp


“authMethod”: “MOBILE_OTP”,
“txnId”: “txnid from above api response”

but still getting the error which i mentioned earlier Please correct if i am doing anything wrong.

You are sending the correct JSON body, I tried the same and I am getting second OTP on this API resendAuthOTP. From the error which you have pasted, its clear that txnId provided was not correct.

“details”: [
“message”: “Transaction not found for UUID.”,
“code”: “HIS-1026”,
“attribute”: null

Hi @pranab Please look at my request and response.


request :

“authMethod”: “MOBILE_OTP”,
“healthid”: “syam.prakash”

response :

“txnId”: “61686ddc-33fb-415e-a11a-6ea156cc7418”

Otp received on mobile


“authMethod”: “MOBILE_OTP”,
“txnId”: “61686ddc-33fb-415e-a11a-6ea156cc7418”


“code”: “HIS-422”,
“message”: “Unable to process the current request due to incorrect data entered.”,
“details”: [
“message”: “Transaction not found for UUID.”,
“code”: “HIS-1026”,
“attribute”: null

ok, now I see the issue, you are supposed to pass healthId number (which starts from 91***) not healthId address in the init request.

Hi @pranab Thanks issue is resolved